The idea is awesome and the game is enjoyable, but there are too many bugs and broken dynamics!
For instance, every now and then the game “freezes” for an instant and when it starts again all the cubes “bump” and the higher ones fall out making a mess!
But, on top of all, dude, please, fix your random numbers generation algorithms!!! They’re absolutely broken! Playing like this is a pain!
The cubes often tend to accumulate on just one side of the screen, making high piles of blocks which fall out as soon as the tower crumble! A more uniform distribution of the falling position and of the faces orientation would be highly appreciated!
Similarly, the bonus blocks appear too randomly: I could stand it in normal mode, but in Time Panic mode &co. that’s absolutely unfair! How can one do a good score if the x4 bonus doesn’t appear just once during a whole Time Panic game?!?
Summing up, good idea and nice graphics, but definitely lacking under the technical point of view. However, the game could gain many more stars if the above problems would be fixed.
G1980z about Push Panic!, v1.6